ibokuchava писал(а):Зависит много видимо от качества съемки и сигнала, картинка из примеры сочная и четкая, рфпл куда хуже.
Что за примера?
ibokuchava писал(а):Зависит много видимо от качества съемки и сигнала, картинка из примеры сочная и четкая, рфпл куда хуже.
Архивариус писал(а):LG OLED TV Dolby Vision Bug Update - A Final Fix Is On Its Way
More good news has emerged today for owners of LG 2016 and 2017 OLED TVs.
During a conference on LG’s 2018 TVs in Madrid today, an LG spokesman has confirmed to me that LG has received a second profile update from Dolby that’s designed to resolve the remaining issues with playing Dolby Vision over HDMI.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnarcher ... n-its-way/
Dolby has already issued an initial (display-based) fix for this that LG has in turn rolled out to its 2017 TVs. However, as explained here, that initial fix only achieved partial success. Some Dolby Vision titles over HDMI still suffered with the raised blacks issue.
wizzart писал(а):Добрый день. Подскажите, в встроенном плеере есть выбор переключения субтитров из BDрипов? т.е. mkv файл рипа со встроенными субтитрами?
Вернуться в Телевизоры LG - Обсуждение
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