Системные требования: webOS 1.4.5, Palm Pre, HP TouchPad
Описание: Бесплатные карты от независимого разработчика, работающие на основе Google Maps
Что реализовано:
- Поддержка GPS
- Карта .. базовые маршруты, приближение, типы карт
- Поиск
- Street View (Просмотр улиц)
В планах многое другое, что есть у Google
Поблагодарить автора денюжкой:
Скачать: репозиторий Preware
Сайт разработчика
New universal status/info/busy panel indicator
Disabled autocorrections and auto capitalize in search bar
New feature - Favorites: you can save the favorite places using Information scene star toggle button. The Favorite places will be visible on each app start marked by small yellow star. Favorites are stored in local system database
You can rename the place using tap and hold on the place name in Information scene
Added UI localization (thank to contributors) to Dutch, German, Polish, Chineese, Spanish
Added rating stars to standard bubbles too
Added Open hours info support in place information, at this time shows just if the shop is open/closed and Today open hours
Some minor bugfixes
Some code cleaning
Added support to set destination in Navit
Known issue: Favorites could be a little unstable, please be patient
Pre3 map centering fix (hope temporary workaround, visible grey flash after map move)
Map tiles caching improvement - faster app start to last map tiles
Fixed bug - Fullscreen mode works again
UI Localization to Czech, Italy
Removed obsolete magnifying glas search icon from main screen - more space in top bar
Google forced to show the powered by Google logo in suggestions, fixed the multiplying logos
Decreased sensitivity of street view pan
New coordinates search support, supported are all 7 world most used formats of coordinates
Here are the supported formats
40:26:46N, 79:56:55W
40:26:46.302N 79:56:55.903W
40°26′47″N 79°58′36″W
40d26′47″N 79d58′36″W
40.446195N 79.948862W
40.446195, -79.948862
40°26.7717, -79°56.93172
New possibility to add a place to the Contacts
The map remembers zoom and center and apply them on startup (then GPS fix overrides the zoom and center)
New function: Tap and hold on the map drops the pin
New Night map theme
New bicycle layer
New weather layer (automatically adjusts the zoom)
New clouds layer (automatically adjusts the zoom)
New Google API override language option, you can manually set API language
New swap button in directions (two arrows between text fields), you can swap origin/destination
New shortcuts (Info icon) in markers list to place info scene
New button in bottom right in place info scene, where you can share the place information via E-mail, SMS or just to copy to clipboard
Added internet connectivity check at startup
"Route from here" and "Route to here" opens the directions
Traffic menu item moved to the top Layers popup menu - traffic is a layer, it is more logically
New icons for map types in menu
New scene "Markers" (accesible from bottom menu) - this scene contains all markers on map, you can sort them, tap to the marker centers the map to the marker
Directions contains new button in text fields, the buttons launch Markers scene, where you can select any marker as origin or destination
Fixed bug - My Location is now updated on every route request
This version may contain more bugs, because is not deeply tested, but better than not working previous version caused by gAPI change from Google side
Google disabled gAPI v3.6 previously used on WebOS 2.2 devices, this caused impossibility to marker tap in app version 0.1.4
WebOS2.2 devices now use nightly build of gAPI
Fixed the marker tap problem on WebOS 2.2 devices with gAPI nightly build
Very basic (just look around), but usable and stable StreetView for WebOS 2.1 devices (better than nothing)
New search for nearby places, read the hint bottom search bar.
Nearby places has rating and distance from request position
When suggestions doesn't exists, panel contains text "No results..." - it could make problems, it's a Google autocompleter hack
Fixed when you paste an address to the search bar
New icons for markers, for Pre3 in high resolution
New HD app icon for Pre3 launcher
Error dialog if the directions request is not complete
Fixed the InfoBubble look for WebOS2.2 and newer devices (was missing background)
Fixed the low velocity when following map is active
Map rotating optimization for decreasing CPU usage
New Preferences scene
You can enable Fullscreen mode (usefull on small screen devices like Veer and Pixi), exit fullscreen through bottom menu
Override directions launch request as option
Map rotate to GPS heading as experimental feature... it isn't supported by Google API, it's a hard workaround, it renders some artefacts, ToDo to make it better
When Follow map function is active, the screen timeout and exhibition mode is blocked
When Follow map function is active, the top bar shows actual velocity if is higher than 0.5m/s
Fixed some not reported bugs
Moved bottom menu 10px higher for map scale visibility
New GPS blue dot - bigger than before
Opacity of blue circle is reduced to usable minimum
Improved (not revolutionary, but stable) pinch to zoom
"Just type" search - any key press opens the serch bar
New Place Info scene (details, rating, homepage and button for make a call)
Application remembers Map type and Traffic layers
First attempt to speed optimization in moving the map
Completely new search, included POI's (it needs to add the Powered by Google logo), the search result is preferred from actual map bounds, the first result is the nearest place from map center
WebOS 2.2.x tap to marker toggles the bubble - fixed
The latest search result is now displayed in top bar
Some UI changes, wider directions panel
Hope that the TP stop panning is fixed... let me know to the forum please
The switching to the Google autocompleter was a big change in code, it is possible that the app may contains new bugs. Still evolving...
Fixed route rendering for WebOS 1.4.x
Fixed TP orientation change (menu size, centering map)
New direction instructions in bubbles with bottom menu arrows
Compas icon activate new function "Map follows GPS" until the map is touched
The same A and B flags on route like in marker´s popup menu
Clear map clears all markers and route
New fancy info bubbles on markers
New actions on marker's bubble
New function "Clear map" in menu - removes all markers on map
New spinners when the app is busy
Fixed search on WebOS 1.4.x
Increased search field length
Known issue: route is not rendered on WebOS 1.4.5
Completely replaced the Search and Directions functions. (Still in development, it is not perfect yet.)
New Searching dialogs (I hope more comfortable UI).
The results are depending on your country
Highlithing the search terms in result list
New Directions dialog
You can show/hide the directions results anytime
Default Google infobubbles in your route - tap to the results panel row to show the bubble (horrible look, especially on TP... ToDo to make own bubbles)
The app can handle JustType search and Event directions from system in both states (launching app or to running app)
Default Google directions markers (sometimes wrong rendering on Pre3 - ToDo to make own markers)
Added scale to the bottom of map (more usable in landscape)
Fixed the spaces like "%20" from Just Type
Other things that I can't remember
Added dozens of new bugs because the changes was huge...
Added Just type plugin, for this time is available only the Search places (maploc). Directions will be in the next versions, because I have to rewrite directions at all. Added "walking" controls in StreetView.
Fixed bugs: strange top bar button behavior, top bar size and map center (not for TP, because TP has a bug and can't handle orientation change event in MOJO) after orientation change
New features: check streetview availability spinner, new bottom menu layout, swapped + and - zoom buttons, back button in Search places for Touchpad, checkmarks for map type and traffic
Fixed UI size for Pre3, Added splash HD icon, some cleaning of code, Google API localization based on device country format, replaced default google marker
Enabled Location support for Touchpad, Added Back button in About for Touchpad, Added Google traffic for Google supported countries, Fixing map paning during streetview, Added StreetView availability check
Improved StreetView functionality, better Touchpad support
Fixed map panning on WebOS 2.2.x devices
Added basic Google Directions, some UI improvements
First release, tested only on the Palm Pre Plus WebOS 2.1.