Нашел два свежих интервью президента LG Hyun-Hwoi Ha (President and CEO / Home Entertainment Company) о его видении рынка телевизоров и роли webOS на нем. Выделил жирным шрифтом наиболее интересные моменты.
LG Electronics said its decision to put webOS on its connected TVs was due to the company’s belief that the system will offer new business opportunities. “As webOS was already available, chances are high that our webOS TVs will bring high returns,” Ha told Korean reporters.
“We are in talks with LG Electronics’ other division about whether or not to expand the adaptation of webOS to other devices. Let’s see what happens,” said the executive.
TV market facing intense competition
As for TVs, securing technology advancement, ensuring broader compatibility and making TVs smarter are some of the top priorities for LG in its drive to outrun competitors in the global TV market.
“Without overhauling LG’s business approaches and value chain for the TV market, we will not be able to achieve continuous growth in a time when Chinese TV makers are chasing at a fast speed while Japanese companies are poised to recover from their past sluggish years,” said Ha Hyun-hoi, president of LG Electronics’ home entertainment company, at a different press meeting Wednesday.
He noted that the company would reinforce its marketing efforts to achieve a bigger presence in China, an area that is expected to see dramatic growth for ultra-high definition TVs.
“LG will maintain its competitive edge over Chinese UHD TV manufacturers with its advanced technology such as 3-D TV technology and webOS,” said Ha, adding that the company will step up efforts to promote OLED TVs as well.
He mentioned that the company is mulling over expanding the webOS, an easy-to-use operating system for smart TVs, into other products. Ha also pledged that the Korean TV maker would create more UHD TV content by collaborating with global content developers.
http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/te ... 49440.htmlhttp://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140109000697