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Перечень мероприятий, посвященных HP webOS, в июне 2011 года

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Перечень мероприятий, посвященных HP webOS, в июне 2011 года

Сообщение Palmfan » 03 июн 2011, 10:10

HP Discover 2011
6-10 июня в Лас Вегасе

The big event from HP this month is coming to Las Vegas in the form of their annual HP Discover conference. The registration price is a bit steep compared to others on this page, but for a four day event by the largest computer maker in the world, it's probably well worth it. Plus, we expect some good things[/url] to come out of the event in regards to webOS news, so keep your eyes open for what happens in Vegas this month.
http://h30406.www3.hp.com/campaigns/201 ... r/2011.php

webOS Developer Workshops
9-16 июня в Sunnyvale, Калифорния

HP has been tagging these workshops onto the webOS CONNECT events in London, Paris and Berlin already, and now they'll continue the process of training webOS 3.0 (TouchPad, specifically) developers by opening their doors on the 9th and 16th of this month. Registration is free and just requires you to find your way to Sunnyvale, but taking it from others that have already been to these workshops, there is a wealth of information out there to be learned at these workshops. You should definitely take a look, even if just for the networking opportunities that come.
http://developer.palm.com/content/commu ... shops.html

TXJS 2011
11 июня в Austin, Texas

At the Alama Drafthouse in Austin Texas, a group of JavaScript developers are gathering for the anual TXJS conference on June 11th. The event is already sold out, so don't expect to register any time soon, but HP webOS is one of the big sponsors of the event and there will be plenty of talk about mobile development going on. So it would probably be a good idea to keep your eyes on the people involved to see what good stuff comes out of it.

Detroit webOS Meetup
11 июня в (Detroit) St. Clair Shores, MI

In the spirit of our community forums, another group has come to the conclusion that a webOS meetup is what is needed in the Detroit, Michigan area. They've setup a time and date, and quite a large group of people, developers and users alike, have all made plans to meetup on June 11th in St. Clair Shores. If you're in the area, why not stop by for a few hours?

The Muther! of All Hackathons + Devcon
24-25 июня в Mountain View, California

What words can be used to describe the massive event that is coming near the end of the month that calls itself "[url=https:/developer.palm.com/content/community/events/the_muther_of_all_hackathons_devcon.html]The Muther! of All Hacakthons[/url]"? Head to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA on June 24th and 25th, and you can find out for yourself why hundreds of developers, both new and old, are going to an event like this. As they say, "The real world doesn’t focus on a single technology, phone or solution, so neither will the Muther!" 

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