WiFi File Sharing v.1.1.0
Системные требования: webOS 2.x, Palm Pre, Palm Pixi, webOS 3.x, HP TouchPad
Описание: Бесплатное приложение, обеспечивающее доступ к содержимому телефона или планшета на webOS через WiFi. Содержимое памяти устройства отображается в Windows в виде стандартного сетевого диска (network share).
Установка (англ.):
Before you get started with WiFi File Sharing, you'll need to install a few things. With any luck the folks at webOS Internals will be able to help me simplify the install and get it into Preware, but for now you'll need the following:
Optware Bootstrap
Optware Advanced Linux Command Line Installer
Homebrew JS Service Framework (Many of you will already have this)
From there, you'll need to open wTerm and run the following commands:
<Enter root password - you'll have set this up the first time you ran wTerm>
ipkg-opt update
ipkg-opt install samba
su will get you to the root terminal, ipkg-opt update will update the package list, and ipkg-opt install samba will (you guessed it!) install samba.
From there, just install WiFi File Sharing with the attached ipk, open it and away you go.
By default WiFi File Sharing provides a preconfigured smb.conf with the following shares:
Public - /media/internal/public, this directory will be created on install. R/W and can be browsed to through Windows Explorer, Finder or your choice of Linux File Manager.
Internal - /media/internal, R/W but not browsable.
You can map it as a network drive in Windows by using \\<DeviceName>\Internal, or in OSX with smb://<DeviceName>/Internal.
If you already have samba installed with your own smb.conf setup, WiFi File sharing won't overwrite it, so feel free to use it as an easy way to turn your shares on and off as and when you need them.
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