Уже последняя версия Google Maps 0.1.0
New fancy info bubbles on markers
New actions on marker's bubble
New function "Clear map" in menu - removes all markers on map
New spinners when the app is busy
Fixed search on WebOS 1.4.x
Increased search field length
Known issue: route is not rendered on WebOS 1.4.5
Completely replaced the Search and Directions functions. (Still in development, it is not perfect yet.)
New Searching dialogs (I hope more comfortable UI).
The results are depending on your country
Highlithing the search terms in result list
New Directions dialog
You can show/hide the directions results anytime
Default Google infobubbles in your route - tap to the results panel row to show the bubble (horrible look, especially on TP... ToDo to make own bubbles)
The app can handle JustType search and Event directions from system in both states (launching app or to running app)
Default Google directions markers (sometimes wrong rendering on Pre3 - ToDo to make own markers)
Added scale to the bottom of map (more usable in landscape)
Fixed the spaces like "%20" from Just Type
Other things that I can't remember
Added dozens of new bugs because the changes was huge...